關(guān)鍵字:分條機(jī)毛氈,毛氈分條機(jī),毛氈,毛氈條 dbzz提供分條機(jī)毛氈 分條機(jī)毛氈信息 分條機(jī)毛氈價格 澤園毛氈
Detailed product Description Made of 100% flne merino wool or
Australian wool.flne in quality and coiors. We offer a widevariety
of custom felts and can engineer or manufacture our felts from
wool.wool blend .wool and synthetic.polyester and othersynthetic
flber mixtures and also convert them into custom cutparts.Unlike
our SAE WoolFelts.Needle felt is not pressed but goes throughthe
process of repetitive up and down needle punctuation.closely
interlocking synthetic flbers or a blend of wool and synthetic
flbers.Needled felts can achieve similardensity levels aspressed
felts.but the weight factors vary.They are commonly used as
flllers.cushions.flltration materials aud surface protectorsaswell
as in many other applications |